WSYSA District II

2006 President's Cup - Overview

2006 President's Cup Overview

What is the President’s Cup? The President’s Cup is the WSYSA State Tournament exclusively for recreational teams. The tournament’s preliminary games are held within each respective District in October and November. District II final games are held the weekend/weekdays prior to Thanksgiving. The State finals are held the first weekend in December at various venues, generally in western Washington State.

Who May Enter? The WSYSA President’s Cup is open to ONLY recreational Boys and Girls teams U11 through U19 that are comprised of properly registered youth players affiliated with WSYSA Member Associations.

What is Recreational Soccer? US Youth Soccer defines “recreational” by stating: “the use of tryouts, invitations, recruiting or any like process to roster a player selectively to any team on the basis of talent or any ability is prohibited.”

Important Dates:
Applications Due to Associations- Sept. 15th
Association Application Due to District II- Sept. 22nd
District Application Due to WSYSA- Oct. 10th
District II Mandatory President’s Cup Coach Meeting- Thurs. Oct. 5th (location TBD)
District II Round-robin Begins Approx.- Oct. 14th
District II Finals- Nov.18th-21st
State Finals- Dec. 2nd and 3rd

Entry Fees:
Payable to: Home Association
Total Fee: Check with your home Association - some Associations require an additional fee.
The tournament fee is $200 (of this $125.00 remains with the District for the District's portion of field and other tournament costs and $75 goes to WSYSA for State Final field and tournament costs).

How to Apply:
Varies by Association – please check with yours for their requirement.
In general, the form can be found on line at in mid to late August.

Important Information:
Entry in President’s Cup guarantees two games. Games are generally played on the opposite day of your league game (although league or PCup games may occur mid-week). All coaches, trainers, managers, and other team personnel (allowed a maximum of 4) must be RMA cleared and be able to list their current RMA number. Only rostered coaches/managers/trainers will be allowed on the sidelines at District or State final games. Most important, make sure your team will be available to play in the State finals (i.e., make sure they won’t be busy with basketball or skiing). All State finals are hosted by various Associations in the western half of the State; be sure your team is willing to travel. The State finals are ALWAYS on the first weekend in December, with round robin on Saturday, and semi-final and final games on Sunday. Rules and format for President’s Cup can be found in the WSYSA Administrative Handbook, Rule 606.b. Teams or players entered in President’s Cup are ineligible to play in the other three State Cups. You should, in general, roster all of your players, but do check - a player may intend to guest play on a team in a different tournament. Your President Cup roster would rule that player ineligible for another State Tournament roster.











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