District II


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BU14 R1

The following detailed information is current as of Friday, April 19th, 2024 at 1:51pm PDT, but is subject to change at any time by a CoachCoach or District II Administrator filing or correcting a score of a Match in the Division.

34157XFRec B10 Sharks2071448623-9United B10 Stingers2101750593-9
34158Duvall FC B10 Spartans2152321363-3XFRec B10 Rockstar Thunderball2071445233-3
34159North Bend FC B10 Dragons2152341271-10United B10 Goal Strikers2101750631-10
34160IFC B10 Slammers201182083XFRec B10 Panthers2071445363-0
34161LHSC B10 WOLVES2011032001-6United B10 Bears2101750511-6
34386United B10 Jaguars2101750551-2XFRec B10 Green Warriors2071445561-2
34167LHSC B10 LAKE HILLS CONNECTORS2011032030-9United B10 Hornets2101750560-9
34395United B10 Bears21017505113-0LHSC B10 Lake Hills Connectors20110320313-0
34396United B10 Stingers21017505912-1LHSC B10 Wolves20110320012-1
34185XFRec B10 Rockstar Thunderball2071445232-4XFRec B10 Panthers2071445362-4
34186Duvall FC B10 Spartans2152321364-0XFRec B10 Sharks2071448624-0
34187IFC B10 Slammers201182083United B10 Jaguars2101750555-2
34397United B10 Hornets2101750567-0North Bend FC B10 Dragons2152341277-0
34189XFRec B10 Green Warriors2071445563-2United B10 Goal Strikers2101750633-2
34404United B10 Hornets2101750562-4United B10 Bears2101750512-4
34215North Bend FC B10 Dragons2152341271-4XFRec B10 Green Warriors2071445561-4
34405United B10 Stingers21017505910-0LHSC B10 Lake Hills Connectors20110320310-0
34217IFC B10 Slammers201182083United B10 Goal Strikers2101750631-5
34218LHSC B10 WOLVES2011032001-6Duvall FC B10 Spartans2152321361-6
34220XFRec B10 Sharks2071448621-1XFRec B10 Panthers2071445361-1
34223XFRec B10 Rockstar Thunderball2071445234-0United B10 Jaguars2101750554-0
34245Duvall FC B10 Spartans2152321365-0LHSC B10 Lake Hills Connectors2011032035-0
34413United B10 Bears2101750515-0North Bend FC B10 Dragons2152341275-0
34414United B10 Stingers2101750594-2United B10 Hornets2101750564-2
34247XFRec B10 Panthers2071445361-4LHSC B10 Wolves2011032004-1
34248XFRec B10 Rockstar Thunderball2071445234-7United B10 Goal Strikers2101750634-7
34251IFC B10 Slammers201182083XFRec B10 Green Warriors2071445561-1
34252XFRec B10 Sharks2071448621-2United B10 Jaguars2101750551-2
34421United B10 Bears2101750510-3United B10 Stingers2101750590-3
34422United B10 Hornets2101750564-3Duvall FC B10 Spartans2152321364-3
34270North Bend FC B10 Dragons2152341272-5IFC B10 Slammers201182083
34273XFRec B10 Green Warriors2071445562-4XFRec B10 Rockstar Thunderball2071445232-4
34274LHSC B10 LAKE HILLS CONNECTORS2011032030-7XFRec B10 Panthers2071445360-7
34420United B10 Jaguars2101750553-4LHSC B10 Wolves2011032003-4
34425United B10 Goal Strikers2101750635-1XFRec B10 Sharks2071448625-1
34444United B10 Jaguars2101750558-0LHSC B10 Lake Hills Connectors2011032038-0
34296XFRec B10 Sharks2071448620-2XFRec B10 Green Warriors2071445560-2
34297Duvall FC B10 Spartans2152321363-2United B10 Bears2101750513-2
34445United B10 Stingers2101750599-0North Bend FC B10 Dragons2152341279-0
34298XFRec B10 Panthers2071445360-4United B10 Hornets2101750560-4
34300LHSC B10 WOLVES2011032001-5United B10 Goal Strikers2101750631-5
34301XFRec B10 Rockstar Thunderball2071445232-6IFC B10 Slammers201182083
34456United B10 Stingers2101750591-1Duvall FC B10 Spartans2152321361-1
34321IFC B10 Slammers201182083XFRec B10 Sharks2071448621-0
34457United B10 Hornets2101750567-1United B10 Jaguars2101750557-1
34319North Bend FC B10 Dragons2152341271-3XFRec B10 Rockstar Thunderball2071445231-3
34320XFRec B10 Green Warriors2071445561-1LHSC B10 Wolves2011032001-1
34464United B10 Goal Strikers2101750638-0LHSC B10 Lake Hills Connectors2011032038-0
34465United B10 Bears2101750510-1XFRec B10 Panthers2071445360-1
34342XFRec B10 Sharks2071448622-4XFRec B10 Rockstar Thunderball2071445232-4
34343Duvall FC B10 Spartans2152321364-0North Bend FC B10 Dragons2152341274-0
34346LHSC B10 LAKE HILLS CONNECTORS2011032030-6XFRec B10 Green Warriors2071445560-6
34495United B10 Goal Strikers2101750634-1United B10 Hornets2101750564-1
34347XFRec B10 Panthers2071445360-4United B10 Stingers2101750590-4
34348LHSC B10 WOLVES2011032001-1IFC B10 Slammers201182083
34496United B10 Bears2101750515-2United B10 Jaguars2101750555-2
34499United B10 Jaguars2101750550-9United B10 Stingers2101750590-9
34360North Bend FC B10 Dragons2152341274-2XFRec B10 Sharks2071448624-2
34549XFRec B10 Panthers2071445360-4Duvall FC B10 Spartans2152321360-4
34550XFRec B10 Rockstar Thunderball207144523LHSC B10 Wolves2011032000-4
34551XFRec B10 Green Warriors2071445561-3United B10 Hornets2101750561-3
34500United B10 Goal Strikers2101750632-3United B10 Bears2101750512-3
34361LHSC B10 LAKE HILLS CONNECTORS2011032030-8IFC B10 Slammers201182083
34501United B10 Goal Strikers2101750632-5United B10 Stingers2101750592-5
34528United B10 Hornets2101750562-2IFC B10 Slammers201182083
34555XFRec B10 Panthers2071445360-3XFRec B10 Rockstar Thunderball207144523
34556XFRec B10 Green Warriors2071445561-2United B10 Bears2101750511-2
34372LHSC B10 LAKE HILLS CONNECTORS2011032032-5North Bend FC B10 Dragons2152341272-5
34373LHSC B10 WOLVES2011032003-1XFRec B10 Sharks2071448623-1
34529United B10 Jaguars2101750550-4Duvall FC B10 Spartans2152321360-4

If you are interested, you can also obtain a summary display of all the results report for this division (sometimes call the "Table").

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