Last updated: September 26, 2001

Washington State Youth Soccer Association

District II By-Laws

FORMED January 1, 1979


Article I - Name and Duration

Article II – Objectives and Purposes

Article III – Membership

Article IV – Officers

Article V – Board of Directors

Articles VI – Meetings

Article VII – Voting

Article VIII – Standing and Special Committees

Article IX – Elections

Article X – Finance

Article XI – League Formation

Article XII – Judiciary

Article XIII – Administrative Authority

Article XIV – Rules of Order

Article XV – Amendments

Article XVI – Approval of the Board of Directors


Section 1.1
The Washington State Youth Soccer Association District II, hereinafter referred to as District II, is a nonprofit organization, recognized as a 501(c)(3) corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington. Section 1.2
The duration of this organization shall be perpetual.
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Section 2.1
The objectives of WSYSA District II are to:
  1. Promote and further develop the game of youth soccer.
  2. Provide a qualitatively graded level of soccer competition within the area of jurisdiction of District II.
  3. Organize and coordinate District level league play.
  4. Establish uniform Procedures and Rules applicable to youth soccer competition in the District consistent with those of WSYSA.
  5. Provide a judicial structure for the league.
  6. Coordinate referees for District II league and tournament play.
  7. Administer and conduct tournaments at the District level.
  8. Coordinate with other Districts to insure appropriate level play for all teams.
  9. Assign administrative responsibilities to member associations.
  10. Represent District II in all matters of youth soccer with regard to WSYSA.
  11. Function as liaison between WSYSA and the member associations within District II.
Section 2.2
The purposes of WSYSA District II are educational and include the following:
  1. Teach and train players, coaches and referees.
  2. Teach through the game of soccer, sportsmanship, physical health and mental alertness.
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Section 3.1
The membership of District II shall consist of incorporated or unincorporated associations within the boundaries of: 1. Eastside Youth Soccer Association (EYSA)
2. Lake Washington Youth Soccer Association (LWYSA)
3. Northshore Youth Soccer Association (NYSA)
4. Snoqualmie Valley Youth Soccer Association (SnVYSA)

which agree to be bound by the Bylaws, and the procedures and rules of District II and which shall be admitted into membership in accordance with the procedures of WSYSA and Bylaws of District II.

Section 3.2
Each member association has jurisdiction of youth soccer within their respective territories as granted by WSYSA and are bound by rules, regulations and decisions of WSYSA and District II. Section 3.3
In the event that a new association is formed within the existing boundaries of District II, that association shall become a member of District II by petitioning WSYSA for membership and being accepted by a vote of the Board of Directors. Section 3.4
Each member association shall be represented by its president or designated alternate. The association representative shall exercise voting power of his/her organization and shall serve as a governing member of the District II Board of Directors. Each member association shall provide written notification to District II of the name of their representative within thirty (30) days of change in representation.
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Section 4.1
The officers of District II shall consist of Commissioner, Alternate Commissioner, Vice President of Competition, Vice President of Development, Secretary, Treasurer or Secretary/Treasurer. Officers shall commence their term of office immediately following the close of the WSYSA Annual General Meeting and shall serve for a term of two (2) years or until the election and qualification of their successors. The Commissioner, Secretary/Treasurer and Vice President of Development shall be elected in even numbered years. All others shall be elected in odd numbered years. An election may be held at any regular meeting to complete the term of office for any officer who has submitted a written resignation, or who has been removed from office by the Board of Directors, provided thirty (30) days written notification to voting members has been made, indicating time, date and place for the voting. The election of officers must be certified by mail to the WSYSA secretary prior to assuming duties. Section 4.2
The Commissioner shall preside over all meetings of the Board of Directors. The Commissioner shall be an ex-officio member of all standing and special committees. The Commissioner shall present the views of District II and be the general representative of District II in all matters to the community and to WSYSA. The Commissioner shall be a member of the WSYSA Board of Directors and must vote according to the wishes of the member associations within the District. The Commissioner shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office of Commissioner, or as may be prescribed by the Bylaws or assigned by the Board of Directors. The Commissioner shall coordinate the work of the Alternate Commissioner, the officers and committees of District II. Section 4.3
The Alternate Commissioner, in the absence of the Commissioner, shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors. The Alternate Commissioner shall al so be Director of the Judicial Committee and shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to that office, or as may be assigned by the Commissioner or the Board of Directors. Section 4.4
The Treasurer shall receive all funds paid to District II; shall deposit the same in the official depositories and shall disburse same on order of the Board of Directors; shall keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures and shall make a monthly financial report to the Board of Directors. All fees required by the WSYSA shall be paid directly to WSYSA by member associations. The Treasurer shall countersign all checks, in addition to the signature of the Commissioner, Alternate Commissioner or the Secretary. The Treasurer's accounts and books shall at all times be open to the inspection of the Commissioner, the Board of Directors, and any authorized auditors. The Treasurer shall make a report to the annual meeting of District II and at such other times as the Commissioner and the Board of Directors may require. Treasurer shall be responsible to file a Form 990 with the Internal Revenue Service each year in a timely manner. Section 4.5
The Secretary shall keep the records of membership, attend to all correspondence, record and publish the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors and committees and give proper notice of all District meetings to required attendees. The Secretary shall attend to and be custodian of all District trophies and office assets. The Secretary shall submit a report to the annual meeting of the District and at such other times as the Commissioner and the Board of Directors may require. The Secretary is responsible for filing the Annual Report to the State of Washington each year in a timely manner. The Secretary shall serve as the second alternate commissioner. Section 4.6
The office of Secretary and Treasurer may be held by one person. Section 4.7
The responsibilities of the Vice President of Competition shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. All District administered league competition;
2. All District administered tournaments;
3. WSYSA Washington State Youth League Liaison;
4. Provide liaison between District II and the associations in "Competition" matters. Section 4.8
The responsibilities of the Vice President of Development shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Player development;
2. Coach development;
3. Referee development and liaison;
4. Olympic Development Program;
5. Communication and training material;
6. Field development;
7. Liaison between District II and associations in "Development" matters. Section 4.9
All officers shall deliver to the Commissioner all official material within ten (10) days following the resignation, termination, or election and qualification of their successors.
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Section 5.1
The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers and the member association representatives. Section 5.2
The Board of Directors shall be responsible for conducting the affairs of the District to include, but not limited to, the following:
  1. Enforcing the Bylaws, and procedures and rules of the District;
  2. Approval of formation and operation of District tournaments, except such tournaments conducted by member Associations for their members only;
  3. Approval of interassociation play;
  4. Approval of formation of District Select Teams;
  5. Approval or removal of District Committee Directors;
  6. Recommendations to the Member Associations for replacement of their member Association Representatives;
  7. Recommendations to the WSYSA Board of Directors for suspension or expulsion of member associations;
  8. Create standing and temporary committees;
  9. Approve the budget;
  10. Approve non-budgeted expenses.
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Section 6.1
The annual meeting shall be held in March of each year at a time and place determined by the Board of Directors. Section 6.2
The Board of Directors shall meet monthly, as dictated by the needs of District II and at the call of the Commissioner, or by a majority of the Board of Directors, unless otherwise established by majority vote, but not less than six (6) meetings a year. Notice of meetings shal1be given by mail or telephone. Section 6.3
The affairs of the District shall be conducted at meetings involving the elected officers and member association representatives.
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Section 7.1
For all District II matters except those outlined in Section 7.2, each member association and each elected District officer shall have one vote. The District Commissioner will exercise his/her vote only in the case of a tie. A simple majority of those voting is necessary to carry a motion. Section 7.2
Voting on the following matters: 1. Bylaws and rule and procedures changes 2. Approval and/or changes to all financial matters 3. Election of/or removal of District officers shall be as follows: elected District officers shall have one vote. Member associations shall have one vote per 1000 players or fraction thereof, as registered with the WSYSA per the association’s count on the December 31st preceding the vote. A two-thirds (2/3s) majority of those voting is necessary to carry a motion. All votes shall be recorded openly in the minutes of the meeting wherein the vote was exercised. Proxy votes are not allowed An alternate representative may vote if designated in writing by the Association President. Said written authorization must be presented to the Secretary prior to voting. Section 7.3
A quorum of the Board of Directors shall consist of at least fifty (50%) percent of the elected officers and association representatives. In addition, at least fifty (50%) percent of the players registered must be represented by the association representatives in attendance.
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Section 8.1
The Board of Directors may create such standing committees as it may deem necessary to promote the purpose and carry on the work of District II. The duties of such committees shall be determined at the time they are created.

Section 8.2
The director of each standing committee shall present a plan of work to the Board of Directors for approval. No committee work shall be undertaken without the consent of the Board of Directors.

Section 8.3
When duties for District II appear to cause a conflict of interest with the other organizational roles, officers and members will disc1ose such a (potential) conflict at the earliest possible time, and disqualify themselves from official action. All official actions shall be impartial, without conflict of interest. The point at which District II Board or members' work, duties or responsibilities end and the point where the other work relationships begin should be made clear to both organizations.

Section 8.4
Special committees shall be appointed by the Commissioner. The duties and timelines shall be defined in the creation of the committee. Section 8.5
The Commissioner shall be an ex officio member of all committees except the nominating committee.
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Section 9.1
There shall be a nominating committee selected by the Board of Directors. The Commissioner shall designate the director of this committee. Section 9.2
The duty of this committee shall be to nominate at least one eligible person for each office to be filled, with the consent of the nominated, and to prepare a ballot for the election of such officers and directors, prior to the annual meeting. Section 9.3
Officers shall be elected by ballot annually in the month of March Section 9.4
In case a vacancy occurs in the office of the Commissioner, the following shall serve in the following order of priority until a successor shall be elected and qualified 1) Alternate Commissioner; 2) Secretary. A vacancy occurring in any other office shall be filled for the unexpired term by a person elected by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Board of Directors, Section 9.5
Nominations may be made from the floor of the meeting. Section 9.6
Elected officers begin their duties immediately following the WSYSA Annual General Meeting, provided written notice of election shall have been provided to the WSYSA Secretary. Section 9.7
Association representatives shall be designated by their member associations in a manner consistent with their Bylaws. Written notice shall be provided to District II by the member association of the designation of a representative prior to the representative taking part in Board activities.
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Section 10.1
The fiscal year for District II shall begin at 12:01 a.m. on July 1 and end at 11:59 p.m., on June 30, of the following year. Section 10.2
The Treasurer, with the District II Board, shall prepare a proposed budget and fees for the next fiscal year and present the budget to the Board in April to be adopted prior to the beginning of the fiscal year. The budget shall include no less than a 10% contingency fund each year. Section 10.3
District II's books of account shall be audited at least once a year and at any time there is a change in the office of Treasurer. The auditors shall be named by the Board of Directors. Section 10.4
The Board of Directors shall determine the official depository or depositories. Section 10.5
In case of the inability of the person designated to sign checks to perform their functions, the Board shall designate an officer from the Board of Directors who shall act as substitute.
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Section 11.1
District recreational leagues will be formed for the benefit of the member associations for both boys and girls in all age groups between U-14 and U-19. Recreation teams submitted by the associations to the District will be placed though cooperation in the District league that can provide the best match between team and league. District competitive leagues will be formed for all competitive teams submitted by and approved by the associations with graded levels established, if possible, to insure balanced competitive leagues. Section 11.2
The Vice President of Competition has overall responsibility for District league formation and scheduling of games within each division of the District league. Section 11.3
All competition within District II leagues will be governed by WSYSA procedures and rules as amended by the District II Rules of Competition.
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Section 12.1
A judiciary committee shall be approved each year by the Board of Directors to conduct open hearings and receive testimony from all witnesses on District league disciplinary problems. The committee shall consist of an appointed member from each of the member associations. The Director will be the Alternate Commissioner or a designee. Section 12.2
The District II Judiciary Committee shall rule on all violations of the Rules of Competition of District II or on any action by a member player, coach or spectator which is detrimental to the purpose of the District soccer program. The guidelines being used are those of the Washington State Youth League. Section 12.3
The Judicial Committee will rule on all protests arising out of competition conducted by the District. All protests submitted to this committee will be accompanied by a fee of $50.00 (in the form or a cashier’s check or money order only), made payable to District II, refundable if protests are upheld. All protests must be submitted in writing to the Alternate Commissioner within 48 hours of the game for which the protest applies. Section 12.4
  1. Appeals of rulings handed down by the Judiciary Committee must be directed to the District Board of Directors. All appeals must be submitted in writing accompanied by a $75 fee (in the form or a cashier’s check or money order only) to the District Commissioner no later than 72 hours after the decision being appealed was rendered, refundable if appeal is upheld.
  2. Any person, team or club desiring to appeal a decision of the governing Board of a member association shall submit a written appeal the District, per District requirements.
  3. Any person, team, club or member association desiring to appeal a decision of the District must submit a written appeal to the WSYSA in accordance with WSYSA guidelines.
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The District II Board of Directors shall be bound and organized by its Bylaws, Procedures and Rules unless superseded by the Constitution, Bylaws, Procedures and Rules of WSYSA.
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Robert’s Rules of Order (current edition) shall be the parliamentary authority for all matter of procedures not specifically covered by these Bylaws.  
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Any amendment of these Bylaws, if in conformity with the Laws of Washington, may be adopted by a two-thirds (2/3s) vote of the members of the Board of Directors, provided written notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given the members at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting. There shall be no voting by proxy.
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These Bylaws and all amendments or additions shall not be effective unless approved by the Board of Directors.

Adopted by resolution of the Board of Directors the 26th day of June, 1997.

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