Last updated: January 25, 2000
WSYSA District II

The Olympic Development Program (ODP) identifies and develops the outstanding youth soccer players age (U-14 to U-16) within our District and presents those players to the State Olympic Development Program. Those that are selected to the State ODP team, are then eligible to qualify for the Regional, and National youth teams.

Tryouts for the Boys U-17 (83's), Boys U-18 (82's), Girl's U-17 (83's) and Girls U-19 (82/81's) will not be conducted at the District Level. Players in these age groups will be identified during WSYL Division I and Division II games. Club coaches at all levels of play will have the opportunity to recommend players from their own and opposing teams.

Players age U-14 to U-16 are selected on the basis of open tryouts conducted by coaches who are recognized for their ability to work with players of superior skills and who have been appointed by District II. The District attempts to identify the best eighteen players in each age group and bring them together as a team to draw upon their skills, to develop their talents further by providing coaching at a high level of expertise, and allowing them to gain recognition of their abilities through competition with other District ODP teams.

Players who live within the boundaries of the District, or are registered to play on a WSYSA team within the District, may choose to tryout in either District II or the District where they live. Participants must be willing to commit to the length of the ODP season prior to trying out.

Players who were in the Regional or National pools for the previous year are not required to tryout at the District level the next year. These players are automatically placed in the state ODP pool.

ODP is an age based program determined by player's birth year. Players are not allowed to tryout for an older age bracket except at the U-14 level.

Information regarding tryout schedules is disseminated through the WSYSA office. If you are a registered player in District II, you will automatically receive tryout information.

Please address all questions to the District II ODP Administrator at

Dates: Tryouts for the 2000 U-14 (1986) players are scheduled for Sunday February 20,27, and March 5.

        Tryout #1: Sunday, February 20, 2000     Location: Pop Keeney Stadium, Bothell
        ------------------------------------     -------------------------------------

        U14 Boys                                  U14 Girls
        --------                                  ---------
        9:00 - 10:30am                            1:30 - 3:00pm
        10:30 - 11:00am (All boy goalkeepers)     3:00 - 3:30pm (All girl goalkeepers)
        11:00 - 12:30                             3:30 - 5:00pm

        Tryout #2: Sunday, February 27, 2000     Location: Lake Washington High School, Kirkland
        ------------------------------------     -----------------------------------------------

        U14 Boys                                  U14 Girls
        --------                                  ---------
        1:00 - 2:30pm                             4:00 - 5:30pm
        2:30 - 4:00pm                             5:30 - 7:00pm

        Tryout #3: Sunday, March 5, 2000         Location: Lake Washington High School, Kirkland
        ------------------------------------     -----------------------------------------------

        U14 Boys                                  U14 Girls
        --------                                  ---------
        1:00 - 3:00pm                             3:00 - 5:00pm
        Select 1 time period per tryout date.

Registration: Players are requested to mail in a pre-registration form prior to the first tryout. Registration will also be accepted at the field. Pre-registration forms will be mailed to all age appropriate, currently WSYSA registered players, when available. Pre-registration forms will also be available at this site.
PDF Form

Fees: A tryout fee of $10 per player must accompany each registration.

Coaches: District coaching staff is all volunteer and is still to be determined. Persons interested in coaching or evaluating for the District ODP should contact the

Selection to the State ODP teams are made after an all-District Jamboree. For more information contact WSYSA.

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