Washington State Youth Soccer Association District II Referee Information
Games Available for Assignment through the East King County Soccer Referee Association (EKCSRA)
This is provided to assist Referees in obtaining and turning back games as well as giving status on games that are unfilled by EKCSRA. Games covered by Youth Association (NYSA) or Youth Club (Bellevue and Mercer Island) Referee Assignors are not shown here. You must contact them for further information.
Please do not call the contacts to see if your game is covered. Only games without a referee assigned are listed here. Calling the referee assignors to see if you have a referee assigned could result in the loss of this service on the District 2 website.
To obtain additional games or turnback games contact:
Saturday Games - contact John Rubalcava at (425) 821-1381
Sunday Games - contact Bill Hall at (425) 820-6216
If you turnback a game after Thursday for games on the following weekend, we (EKCSRA) no longer manage the game. On Thursday we give control of the games to the Youth Leagues. As such if you have a turnback after Wednesday, it is necessary to contact the club coordinator yourself.
The Home team on the signup sheets starts with a Txxx where xxx is the Club Number. For games with a club number of:
101 EYSA Club Contact at (425) 635-0960
102 EYSA Club contact at (425) 747-6879
103 EYSA Club contact Jim Shafer at (425) 747-7294
105 EYSA Club contact at (425) 643-3921
107 EYSA Club contact at (206) 233-7946